Join the Octane Academy
We have launched a YouTube channel named “Octane Academy” with the purpose to enable you to use ALM Octane.
The channel is structured by the following areas and containing playlists:
Getting Started — Main purpose of this area is to allow you an easy and smooth onboarding with ALM Octane features and functionality.
General Topics — this playlist focus on topics to ease your daily work with Octane covering navigations, favorites, modules, filter, sorting, tips and tricks.
- Working with Requirements
- Working with Tests
- Working with Defects
- Working with Backlog Items
- Working with Releases
- Working with Pipelines
- Adoption to new UI
- Export and Import of Data
- GDPR and ALM Octane
Continuous Integration, Continuous Testing and Test Automation — Main purpose of this area is to provide step by step guidance to setup, integrate and execute pipelines in ALM Octane as well as integrate your favorite testing tools using TestRunners.
- Working with Pipelines
- TestRunners — focusing on adhoc execution of automated tests by i.e. Selenium, Cucumber, UFT One, UFT Developer, etc.
- Working with Tests
- Working with BDD Specs
- Working with Gherkin Tests
- Working with UFT Family
- Working with Selenium
Reporting and Dashboards — Main purpose of this area is to help you understand and adopt all the reporting and dashboard capabilities ALM Octane provides.
Customization and Workflow — This area will help you to customize ALM Octane for your organization needs and give some real life example on workflow implementations.
Synchronization — Purpose of this area is to help you integrating other management tools (Jira, etc.) with ALM Octane.
Administration, Upgrades and Migration — Purpose of this area is to guide you through all administrative topics.
REST API, Webhooks, oData and other interfaces — All API related access and topics are covered in this area.
- Using Postman API Client on ALM Octane REST API
- Working with oData
- Working with Webhooks
- Working with External Actions
- GDPR and ALM Octane
Road from ALM/QC to ALM Octane — This area focus on use case adoption specially for ALM/QC users when working with ALM Octane.
In the description of every video, the help page is referenced for further documented Information.
Originally published at on July 16, 2020.