Link your Jira commit process to ALM Octane

ALM Octane
2 min readJun 1, 2020

Adopting ALM Octane and concerned what changes the team need to adopt?

Actually the answer is: the team level can continue to work as they were used to. ALM Octane is able to capture the commits on Jira issues and provide the correct representation of links between user story or bugs to code changes made by the development team without even opened ALM Octane.

The #Add #Commit #Patter feature of ALM Octane allows organizations to point to the issue id which is used in a commit pattern for code changes. This ID can be a Jira issue id, TFS or Azure DevOps id, Service Now incident Id, etc. Once the application is build or the code is compiled using a CI server, ALM Octane captures the correct Ids and link it to the relevant code changes and backlog items.

It is a small feature with a huge impact as teams can continue working as they are used to and organization can scale the team activities to a program or product delivery level of an enterprise and track global and local release at once.

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ALM Octane

ALM Octane is a DevOps Lifecycle Management software for organizations to scale agile development from team level to the enterprise.